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In 2003, Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik was looking for a way to quit smoking that didn’t involve the need for slow release nicotine patches. In time, his quest led him

The post Vaping – The Basics on the Lung Saver appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

In 2003, Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik was looking for a way to quit smoking that didn’t involve the need for slow release nicotine patches. In time, his quest led him to create the first ever commercially available electronic vaping device – the Ruyan e-cigarette.

The Ruyan device was the first of its kind to make use of vape juices, delivering the same concentrations of nicotine into the system at the same speed as a traditional cigarette, without the vast majority of the other 6,000 chemicals and tare residue. Once this fact became known, more and more cigarette smokers made the switch to juices to reduce the health risks of traditional smoking, and it was only a matter of time before the legal cannabis industry followed suit in both Europe and North America.

On October 17th, 2018, The Cannabis Act officially became law in Canada, which marked the first time in nearly 100 years that recreational cannabis could be legally consumed without the need for a medical diagnosis. One year later, on October 17th, 2019, the law was amended to bring cannabis vaping products under the wing of federal regulations, making the product reliability and safety standards we know today an industry standard, on par but separate from, the strict regulations of nicotine vaping products under The Tobacco Act.

Prior to the amended 2019 laws, vaping products containing cannabis were mostly a black market trend that came with certain risks and considerations.

Thankfully, the dark ages of black market cannabis vaping are largely behind us and vaping has become a staple in modern cannabis culture.

It’s been so successful in fact, that many traditional dooby die-hards are making the switch because it’s much cleaner and customizable than combustion based methods like joints, bongs, pipes and others. If you’ve ever had to clean any of those glass or metal devices you know what we mean by a cleaner high.

Vaping has taken 2 different routes that have caused clouds of interest to form around them – dry herb vaping, and juicing (juice vaping).

Each of these methods share the majority of basic properties, but have a few notable differences between them.

Dry herb vaping

Dry herb vaping is a new twist on the traditional method of smoking cannabis flower. Instead of combusting the flower with a flame in excess of 450 degrees, which burns away the fragil terpenes of cannabis flower, you instead select a temperature that best suits the extraction of the desired effects from your cannabis dry flower.

This works by using hot air to heat the cannabis flower to a set temperature as not to ignite it but to trigger the evaporation of the terpenes and also dearboxilate the THCA into the non-acidic psychoactive THC.

Different effects can be produced from the same dried flower depending on the temperature setting because different terpenes have a different evaporation temperature.

Here are some examples of boiling points for extraction:

With this kind of extraction control available in dry herb vaping, you can truly make your cannabis experience your own.

As a bonus, because plant matter is not burned off, a good level of THC and other cannabinoids are still locked in the leftover plant matter after it’s been vaped. What can you do with it? Make butter of course!

Juicing (Juice Vaping)

Juice vaping is just as clean and optionally temperature controlled as dry herb vaping (depending on your device’s capabilities), but that’s where the similarities end. Unlike dry herb vaping, juicing is an extract based form of vaping that uses concentrated, and carefully crafted vape juices that come in an almost endless array of variations.

Everything from the terpene profile, to the extracted strain, to the flavours, to the cannabinoid concentrations, can all be precisely controlled in the manufacturing process ensuring a fully customisable cannabis vaping experience.

All the rules of dry vaping when it comes to the evaporation of terpese still apply, but in this case they’re suspended in a water based liquid that’s heated with a coil in order to boil off the juice at the desired temperature, making it possible to vape it.

Unlike dry herb vaping, juicing doesn’t have any leftovers, which can make for an easier cleanup if saving dry herb doesn’t appeal to you.

Summing up

In terms of smoking cannabis, vaping is still a fairly new and sometimes misunderstood smoking strategy due to having started in the cannabis black market before it was regulated by the Canadian government in 2019. But rest assured, the science is in. Vaping is indeed much safer for your lungs than traditional forms of combustion smoking (joints, bongs, pipes, etc) because it doesn’t involve inhaling burning plant matter that carries with it tar and other burning carcinogens.

We hope your new knowledge of how vaping works can both wow your friends and help keep them healthy and happy stoners for years to come!

Before you go, check out our selection of vape products by visiting our store here!

The post Vaping – The Basics on the Lung Saver appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Mon, 05 Jul 2021 15:20:41 +0000 Blog Medical Cannabis

When we think of cannabis medicine, many would think of the standard ways of smoking it as the primary means of benefiting from it. Although common, this is a narrow

The post Cannabis Medicine – How to boost cannabinoid bioavailability from CBD isolate appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

When we think of cannabis medicine, many would think of the standard ways of smoking it as the primary means of benefiting from it. Although common, this is a narrow avenue that covers only a small percentage of the potential medical uses for cannabis.

With all the different products on the market, each with their own distinct forms of application and/or consumption, the ways in which we can use cannabis as a remedy has exploded in recent decades.

But which products do what, and how best do we use them?

This article will focus on cannabis CBD isolate and how to best use it to create a homemade tincture, and how to also boost the effectiveness of topicals to potentially help with various muscle and joint conditions.

What is CBD isolate (crystalline)?

CBD isolate is an incredibly dynamic product with an almost unlimited range of potential therapeutic applications. An isolate can be as pure as 99% CBD crystalline (powder-like CBD crystals), with less than 0.2% traces of THC or any other cannabinoid or terpene, or plant matter.

As is commonly known, CBD has potent anti-inflammatory and neuro-modulating properties that can be beneficial either topically, orally, or even smoked. What is less known however is which form of consumption is best for which targeted condition, and even less known by the general public on bioavailability.

CBD isolate (crystalline) for tinctures

Depending on how you want to use a CBD isolate, your options are quite diverse. Here are some tips you can use to help make the most of your isolation powder when making a homemade tincture.

Cannabinoids (CBD, THC, THCA, CBDA, CBG, etc..) are fat soluble molecules. If you’re planning to make a homemade tincture, it’s important to use a healthy, fatty oil like avocado or MCT to blend your isolate into, rather than filtered water. Clinical recommendations for this preparation range are between 10mg-40mg of CBD isolate for every 1ml serving. Fish oil is the best oil to use because of the omega-3 content (omega 3 is a foundational neuro-transmitter fatty acid), but some may not like the taste. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly binding to both cannabinoids and neural receptors in the body which dramatically increase bioavailability into the upper 30%+ ranges, versus the 6-9% ingestion baseline.

The added bioavailability also means you can use less of your isolate and get better results.

The reason for this is that CBD is difficult to absorb in the digestive system since it’s broken down faster than it can be metabolised. Tinctures made with fatty oils and left under the tongue to be absorbed for 30-60 seconds by the mucosal and salivary glands is the fastest way to get a high amount of CBD into the bloodstream as quickly as possible if smoking or vaping high CBD cannabis is not an option.

This delivery system for CBD isolate is the primary way sudden onsets of seizures and seizure prevention can be quickly and easily administered when needed since there is no need to involve the act of swallowing or smoking something – which could be dangerous for someone who has lost some degree of motor function.

CBD isolate (crystalline) for topicals

The bioavailability problem doesn’t just apply to oral applications, but topical ones as well. The ratio of absorption of CBD topically is roughly the same as it is for nonfat bound oral (6-9%), no matter what the concentrations may be.

The good news is, you can help the absorption rate of topicals as well. The secret for topicals lies in using both fatty oil binding techniques similar to tinctures, but with an added twist – rubbing alcohol.

Alcohol is effective at helping boost CBD’s topical benefits because it helps open up the skin by boosting the skin’s transdermal permeability at the site of application – meaning the skin can more readily absorb anything that is in contact with the alcohol.

Caution should be used with this tip however, as anything on the application site will be more readily absorbed into the skin thanks to the alcohol.

We don’t recommend mixing the alcohol with your topical CBD as this could break it down if it’s being stored. If you’re looking to boost topical CBD absorption, rub a bit of rubbing alcohol on the application site first, then apply your CBD topical and an oil like MCT to help it absorb further.

Tip to slow CBD degradation

Always ensure CBD products, homemade or otherwise, are stored in dark cool areas. Light and heat both represent elevated levels of molecular energy – meaning CBD particles will vibrate themselves apart more quickly and degrade if stored improperly.

Where to buy CBD isolate

Cannabis Kings has you covered. Visit our store here , and purchase our 99%+ pure CBD crystalline isolate and experiment with uses that best suit you.


A phase I study to assess the effect of food on the single dose bioavailability of the THC/CBD oromucosal spray – Stott CG, White L, Wright S, Wilbraham D, Guy GW. A phase I study to assess the effect of food on the single dose bioavailability of the THC/CBD oromucosal spray. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Apr;69(4):825-34. doi: 10.1007/s00228-012-1393-4. Epub 2012 Oct 4. PMID: 23052407.

Molecular Targets of Cannabidiol in Neurological Disorders – Ibeas Bih C, Chen T, Nunn AV, Bazelot M, Dallas M, Whalley BJ. Molecular Targets of Cannabidiol in Neurological Disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2015 Oct;12(4):699-730. doi: 10.1007/s13311-015-0377-3. PMID: 26264914; PMCID: PMC4604182.

How To Increase CBD Bioavailability – Evopure (2020)

How to Increase The Bioavailability of CBD –  Cannabidiol360 (2018)

Therapeutic impact of CBD & Full Spectrum Cannabinoids | Fullscript Webinar – Fullscript (2020)

Safety evaluation of topical applications of ethanol on the skin and inside the oral cavity J Occup Med Toxicol. 2008; 3: 26.

The post Cannabis Medicine – How to boost cannabinoid bioavailability from CBD isolate appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Mon, 28 Jun 2021 15:17:32 +0000 Blog Medical Cannabis

Anatomy of glandular trichomes If you’ve ever seen a flower, odds are that you’ve also seen trichomes – more accurately called glandular trichomes – without even noticing them. Glandular trichomes

The post An Introduction to Cannabis Trichomes appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

Anatomy of glandular trichomes

If you’ve ever seen a flower, odds are that you’ve also seen trichomes – more accurately called glandular trichomes – without even noticing them. Glandular trichomes are present in approximately 70% of all flowering plant species all around the world and perform a variety of key functions to aid in a plants ability to communicate, as well as survive. The compounds act as insecticides, pollinator attractors, aromatics, and communication chemicals so that plants can communicate with each other as well as their environment.

The reason you might miss trichomes in the wild is that they are typically very small in size. So small in fact that they are measured in µm (micrometers), but on cannabis plants, glandular trichomes can be seen by the naked eye. The reason for this is generations of selective breeding strains of cannabis, over countless generations, to select genetic traits in the cannabis plants for larger glandular trichome structures.

Why selection for larger glandular trichomes is favored among cannabis growers, is a result of a happy accident of biochemistry that enabled humans and cannabis plants to form a symbiotic relationship. The cannabinoids the plants produce are able to modulate our own endocannabinoid systems via a type of “lock and key” interaction where certain cannabinoids in the cannabis plant match closely enough to our own endocannabinoids as to be able to fit and modulate the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our bodies.

There are multiple types of cell structures that make up a glandular trichome. These cell include: epidermal cells which make up the stem’s exterior (skin), hypodermal cells which make up the stem’s interior, basal cells which make up part of the excretion tip, stripe cells which are the mid-point cells of the excretion tip, secretory cells which are the cells that excrete all of the fluid.

Glandular trichomes on a plant are similar to hormon and sweat glands in animals in several ways. They both produce scents, chemical compounds, lipid molecules and various other excretions vital in the most basic of biological processes. Where plants and animals differ however is the chemicals those glands produce.

As far as cannabis and other flowering plants are concerned, they produce: terpenes, terpenoids, phytochemicals and cannabinoids – which is why breeders of cannabis plants have selectively bred larger and larger structures for so many successive generations.

The governing of cannabis properties and effects

In cannabis plants, there are three different types of glandular trichome structures: bulbous, capitate sessile, and capitate-stalked. The cellular structures – as mentioned above – of these three types do not change, the types are simply names that are given to different shapes and yields of glandular trichomes. Cannabis plants, particularly marijuana females, have larger trichomes than male hemp plants as well as having them in greater numbers. This is the factor that makes THC more abundant in marijuana plants than in hemp plants. Contrary to popular belief however, hemp plants do indeed contain THC in minute concentrations of approximately <0.035%. Any higher and the plant can no longer legally be called hemp.

As a glandular trichome forms and ages it begins to fill with clear fluid that over time becomes cloudy as the concentrations of terpenes, terpenoids, cannabinoids and phytochemicals start to increase. The exact ratios of these compounds is what is used as the primary means of identifying a cannabis strain.

If a plant reaches advanced maturity before it is harvested by a grower, the fluids on the tips of the glandular trichomes turn to an amber color, burst, and release all the contents of the tip of the glandular trichome. This signals the environment announcing the plant’s defence mechanisms, reproductive potential, edibility and pollination potential. But overall, it is a marijuana plant’s last ditch effort to reproduce before the end of the season.

Over generations, cannabis growers have learned to influence ratios of the compounds found in cannabis plants by altering growing conditions and inducing or reducing the stresses on a plant. For example, UV light increases terpene production and increases the expression of terpene producing genes. Although this does not alter the overall parameters of the strain being cultivated, it can increase or decrease the potency of the flower in the end product, depending on how much UV light the grower exposes the plant to.

Through the selected breeding methods outlined above and the alterations of growing conditions such as: UV exposure times, temperature, soil composition and watering frequency, growers have managed to produce approximately 1024 genetic possibilities for cannabis plants each with their own unique balance of medicinal properties.


Who would have guessed that such small structures could determine such a strong symbiosis between cannabis and humans. Through countless generations of selective growing combined with the already fascinating properties of hemp and marijuana, growers across time have managed to give us a plant that holds medicinal value so vast we have yet to figure out how to make full use of it.

There are ongoing studies that are looking into how different cannabinoid and terpenoid profiles can be tailored as targeted medicines for the specific needs of individuals with wide ranges of conditions.

Many years of research lie ahead, but rest assure that glandular trichomes will remain as the stars of the majority of the discoveries still to come. Remember to stop by our shop and order some flowers! Once you do, get your hands on a magnifying glass and take a look at glandular trichomes up close. Would you be able to identify them by one of the 3 types?


Cannabinoids, Terpenes & Trichomes Webinar , Presented by Carlos Jose Angel Hermida, M.B.A,, Hosted by Florida Cannabis Coalition, 2017

What are trichomes? | Cannabis Glossary , Leafy, 2021

Controlling Terpenes and Cannabinoids in Flower and Extract Presented At Cannabis Sciences Virtual Event 2018, Presented By Markus Roggen, PhD VP Extraction, OutCo

Size and morphology of leaf trichomes.A) Stalk and branch length of… – TY  – JOUR

AU  – Ojangu, Eve-Ly

AU  – Tanner, Krista

AU  – Pata, Pille

AU  – Järve, Kristel

AU  – Holweg, Carola

AU  – Truve, Erkki

AU  – Paves, Heiti

PY  – 2012/06/06

SP  – 81

T1  – Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

VL  – 12

DO  – 10.1186/1471-2229-12-81

JO  – BMC plant biology – Sirikantaramas S, Taura F, Tanaka Y, Ishikawa Y, Morimoto S, Shoyama Y. Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase, the enzyme controlling marijuana psychoactivity, is secreted into the storage cavity of the glandular trichomes. Plant Cell Physiol. 2005 Sep;46(9):1578-82. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pci166. Epub 2005 Jul 15. PMID: 16024552.

Hércules Rezende Freitas, Alinny Rosendo Isaac, Renato Malcher-Lopes, Bruno Lourenço Diaz, Isis Hara Trevenzoli & Ricardo Augusto De Melo Reis (2018) Polyunsaturated fatty acids and endocannabinoids in health and disease, Nutritional Neuroscience, 21:10, 695-714, DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2017.1347373

The post An Introduction to Cannabis Trichomes appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Fri, 25 Jun 2021 16:26:00 +0000 Blog Medical Cannabis

The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important and ingrained systems in the animal kingdom. Is it present in all animals, except insects, and governs the function of every

The post The Endocannabinoid System – The Body’s Information Superhighway appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important and ingrained systems in the animal kingdom. Is it present in all animals, except insects, and governs the function of every other system in the body. But what is it exactly? How did we discover it? How does it work?

In this article we’d like to help answer those questions for you.

The Discovery of the Endocannabinoid System

Contrary to what you might expect, the endocannabinoid system was not discovered before cannabinoids or the receptors. It was discovered much later than that. 20-25 years later to be exact. What came first was the isolation and discovery of Delta-9 THC in 1969 in Israel, followed by the discovery of endocannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 between 1988,1990, and finally the system as a whole was identified in 1993. This subsequently led to the discovery of the endocannabinoid system as being a dominant regulatory system present throughout the body.

How dominant is it?

It governs everything. The system is present in every system and cell in the body, right down to the synaptic level and within every cell’s mitochondria. According to Dr. Rachel Knox, an expert on this system as well as a TED speaker, any disease that can be diagnosed including allergies, cancers, cognitive dysfunctions, organ issues, skin issues and even personality disorders can be traced directly to dysfunctions of the endocannabinoid system. The discovery of this system and the ongoing work to decode it could lead to breakthrough therapies for a multitude of dysfunctions and diseases in the near future – something the legal cannabis market will likely play a large role in facilitating.

CB1 and CB2 Receptors

Within the endocannabinoid system, there have been two different kinds of receptors, each with their own specialised functions – the CB1, and CB2 receptors. CB1 the main receptor that controls the central nervous system and homeostasis. CB2 modulates the peripheral nervous system, inflammatory response, immune responses and pain responses.

CB1 Brief Overview

CB1 receptors are what allow us to get high from THC, and are the primary flow valves that control our cognition and central nervous system. Their function can be enhanced and/or stimulated by taking DHA supplements because endocannabinoids are a fat-based lipid molecule. THC is a CB1 agonist, meaning it acts on the CB1 receptor, widening or contracting it, causing effects on the central nervous system as well as enabling the psychoactive properties of THC. But THC’s interactions with CB1 aren’t just psychoactive in nature. THC is currently being studied to have positive effects, in individual specific measured doses, to help control gut based diseases such as crohn’s and celiac disease. The proper function and preservation of CB1 receptors is also vital to sustain long term general and cognitive health as well as help prevent neuro-degenerative disease. THC and other cannabinoids found in cannabis plants are currently being studied for their neuro-protective properties in terms of how they interact with CB1, and how they can slow or even prevent some diseases from progressing – thanks to CB1’s modulation of the central nervous system.

CB2 Overview

CB2 is the receptor responsible for the effects of CBD and it’s soothing properties. It is theorised that as animals became more and more biologically complex at some point a mutation of CB1, over countless generations, evolved to take on more specialized functions such as immune regulation, inflammation regulation, and pain regulation. In that process, eventually that mutated CB1 became its own dedicated receptor – CB2. Because of this inflammatory regulation role, CBD can fit this receptor and help modulate inflammation throughout the body – most notably in the digestive tract and vital organs.

Studies are currently underway to determine if CB2 dysfunction may be a factor in inflammatory brain diseases such as epilepsy, which could prove to be the source of CBD’s positive effects on the treatments of seizures and severe neurological disorders in both adults and children. Because THC doesn’t need to be present in CB2 based treatments, this could eventually lead to clinical prescriptions of CBD based treatments that could be used over a wide variety of conditions in multiple age categories. Much more research is needed, but ongoing studies are yielding promising results in both adults and children for both epileptic disorders and other neurological illnesses such Parkinson’s disease and others.

The Possible Future of Cannabis Medicine

More research is needed, but so far the results over the last 25 years have been quite promising for clinically prescribed cannabis to have a future role in disease treatment prevention – maybe even to change its status from drug to that of an essential nutrient. There is sufficient evidence to support that cannabis has been a medicine in multiple cultures across time all around the world as far back as 1st century China, maybe even sooner. Cannabis prohibition didn’t enter the picture in western culture until the late 1920s to early 1930s. Before then, cannabis tinctures, cannabis oils, cannabis topicals, edibles, and joints were not only widely used but accepted as valid medicines to treat a staggering array of ailments.

Today, we’re slowly moving back to the glory days of legal cannabis medicines on the back of mounting clinical evidence for what we’ve seemed to understand via observations of cause/effect since antiquity. It is unlikely that we will regress back into the dark ages of cannabis fear campaigns, but the progress will remain slow as public perceptions on any subject tend to shift slowly generation by generation, not year by year.

Summing up

The endocannabinoid system is a fascinating one with almost unlimited potential for study and discovery. We are only beginning to scratch the surface on what secrets the system and CB receptors have in store for us, not to mention the discoveries that await us in terms of how the cannabis plant can help modulate them.

As time goes on, we will undoubtedly see new applications in cannabis based medicine and refinements on how we could potentially use different cannabis strains as legitimate medicines for specific conditions.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about the future of cannabis medicine!

Don’t forget to come by our online shop to have a look at our product selection and use the knowledge you’ve just gained to help you pick out the best products to fit your needs.

Happy shopping!


EPISODE #54 The Endocannabinoid System with Dr. Rachel Knox, Endocannabinologist & Certified Cannab

Witkamp R. Fatty acids, endocannabinoids and inflammation. Eur J Pharmacol. 2016 Aug 15;785:96-107. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2015.08.051. Epub 2015 Aug 29. PMID: 26325095. – Fatty acids, endocannabinoids and inflammation

Katchan V, David P, Shoenfeld Y. Cannabinoids and autoimmune diseases: A systematic review. Autoimmun Rev. 2016 Jun;15(6):513-28. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2016.02.008. Epub 2016 Feb 11. PMID: 26876387. Cannabinoids and autoimmune diseases: A systematic review

Wiki – Cannabinoid receptor type 2

Wiki – Cannabinoid receptor type 1

Sharkey KA, Wiley JW. The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Brain-Gut Axis. Gastroenterology. 2016 Aug;151(2):252-66. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2016.04.015. Epub 2016 Apr 29. PMID: 27133395; PMCID: PMC4961581. The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Brain-Gut Axis

Fasinu PS, Phillips S, ElSohly MA, Walker LA. Current Status and Prospects for Cannabidiol Preparations as New Therapeutic Agents. Pharmacotherapy. 2016 Jul;36(7):781-96. doi: 10.1002/phar.1780. PMID: 27285147. Current Status and Prospects for Cannabidiol Preparations as New Therapeutic Agent

The post The Endocannabinoid System – The Body’s Information Superhighway appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:39:56 +0000 Blog Medical Cannabis

Terpenes and terpenoids play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of plants as a whole. They’re produced by plants – not for an animal’s benefit, but for their

The post The Physiology of Cannabis Terpenes and Terpenoids – A Brief Overview appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

Terpenes and terpenoids play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of plants as a whole. They’re produced by plants – not for an animal’s benefit, but for their own – in order to communicate with one another, to stop certain animals and insects from eating them, and serve as communication molecules to signal other plants, as well as attract pollinators such as bees.

The difference between terpenes and terpenoids is that terpenes are often made only of carbon and hydrogen, while terpenoids on the other hand incorporate other molecules, of the most common being oxygen, into their molecular structure.

Terpenes and terpenoids can be one of three different molecular structures: acyclic, monocyclic and polycyclic.

Acyclic means the molecule has no carbon rings in its structure, monocyclic means it has one carbon ring, and polycyclic means it has more than one carbon ring.

There are between 20,000-30,000 named terpenes and terpenoids in the plant world that have so far been discovered, of which over 200+ can be found in cannabis – making it the plant with the richest terpene profile known to science.

In order to help you pick what kind of weed to buy based on what your wants or needs might be, we’ve decided to pick 5 terpenes found in cannabis you’ll likely be familiar with and describe how they work within the body. We’re hoping this will help you narrow down your shopping list with us and get you the right bud!


This monoterpene is found all throughout nature in plants such as hops, mangos, bay leaves and a large array of other spices and herbs like thyme and parsley. Myrcene is the dominant terpene in modern cannabis strains, although that was not always the case. Market trends have dictated a higher demand for “couch lock” weed strains and since myrcene is responsible for “couch lock” – even more so than high CBD – it is believed to have strong sedative effects in elevated doses. High myrcene strains remained relatively uncommon until recent decades as the demand for highly sedating weed has suddenly skyrocketed. Before then, a different terpene, beta-caryophyllene,t was the dominant one found in cultivated cannabis.

Myrcene helps with pain, mood, muscle spasms, sleep and relaxation.

Strains we carry high in myrcene include Venom OG , Bruce Banner , and UK Cheese


Limonene, a citrus terpene, is a compound found commonly in nature. So much so that it is the second most common terpene found in the wild. It’s found in citrus, lemon grass, dill, chives, and hundreds of other plants. There are many subtypes of Limonene. For example, D-Limonene is the terpene found in citrus fruits.

Limonene is an uplifting and relaxing terpene. When we inhale limonene, we feel a heightened sense of internal awareness and calm. When you smell an essential oil containing limonene, or a cleaning product, or a tea – you feel soothed, relaxed, and centered. The reason for this relaxation is Limonene.

Limonene’s effects include: reducing anxiety, helping stabilize mood, reducing the symptoms of depression, and to aid with sleep by reducing stress levels in the body.

Strains we carry high in limonene include: Black Mamba and El Jefe .


Alpha-Pinene is much less common in modern commercial cannabis plants, but is the most common terpene in nature overall. Selective breeding and consumer trends had selected this terpene out in the majority of cultivated cannabis, although some growers still produce strains with more traditional amounts of alpha-pinene. Alpha-pinene is primarily found in pine trees, conifers, rosemary, and eucalyptus, and sage. topical oils we use to treat skin irritations, abrasions, and muscle complaints.

Alpha-Pinene’s effects are in stimulation rather than sedation and relaxation. It helps with focus, energy, and helps counteract the effects of THC induced memory loss by inhibiting the breakdown of the memory molecule acedocoleine.


A floral terpene, Linalool is another common terpene in nature. Purple plants typically have linalool as their dominant produced terpene although there are some exceptions to this such as birch trees, citrus, and coriander – which are all high in linalool yet are not purple colored.

Linalool is known for its sedative and relaxing effects, its anti-inflammatory effects, and is also a powerful anti-convulsive. Cannabis strains which are naturally higher in linalool may be best used to extract cannabis oils for medical uses because of these relaxing and anticonvulsant effects. For it’s relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects, it is commonly used in body washes and soaps.

Purple strains, mostly indicas and indica dominant hybrids, are high in linalool.


We saved the most interesting terpene for last. Beta-caryophyllene is a terpene, as well as a cannabinoid. How is that possible? Cannabinoids and Terpenes are both produced in the trichomes of the cannabis plant which are most abundant in the unfertilized female plant’s top flower structures. Beta-caryophyllene is the second most common terpene in cannabis as a result of this dual status. Aside from cannabis, peppers, licorice, peppercorn, oregano, clove, cinnamon and other such spices are all high in b-caryophyllene.

Known effects of this terpene are: anti-inflammatory effects, antimicrobial effects, gastrointestinal pain relief, and general pain relief. The reason for these effects is due to the dual status as a cannabinoid. Because of the molecular structure, beta-caryophyllene binds to the CB2 receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system. CB2 receptors are the same receptors responsible for the medical benefits of CBD.

A strain we carry high in beta-caryophyllene is Peanut-Butter x Banana , Purple Space Cookies , and Banana Split

Bonus Info – The Entourage Effect

The Entourage Effects is a term used to describe the synergy of compounds such as different terpenes and cannabinoids for promoting optimal health through having all the compounds working together. Cannabis plants each have distinct terpene and cannabinoid profiles comprising hundreds of compounds present which are present throughout the plant. Isolates, although effective, are possibly not as effective as multiple compounds being used together. Further research is needed, but the theory is interesting nonetheless.

We hope you enjoyed this educational article on terpenes! Remember to check out the strains mentioned to see which is right for you!


Terpenes & Terpenoids | Presented by Dr. Jamie Corroon

Cannabis Terpene Alpha Pinene | Effects, Research & More

Cannabis Terpene Linalool | Effects, Research & More

Cannabis Terpene Beta Caryophyllene | Effects, Research & More

Cannabis Terpene Limonene | Effects, Research & More

Cannabis Terpene Myrcene | Effects, Research & More

Top 5 Terpene Reference Chart, by Andrea Meharg, 2018,

Controlling Terpenes and Cannabinoids in Flower and Extract

Terpenes in Marijuana – Explained by Dr Jake Felice

The post The Physiology of Cannabis Terpenes and Terpenoids – A Brief Overview appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Thu, 03 Jun 2021 15:11:20 +0000 Blog Medical Cannabis

As any cannabis enthusiast will tell you, virtually nothing about smoking or using some sort of cannabis based product is done universally or for the same reasons. Everyone has a

The post 3 Uncommon But Interesting New Cannabis Products appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

As any cannabis enthusiast will tell you, virtually nothing about smoking or using some sort of cannabis based product is done universally or for the same reasons.

Everyone has a specific preference, need, routine, and goal when it comes to how they select a product that’s right for them. And there are LOTS of different products and variations of products on the market today that give people a virtually endless selection of desired cannabis experiences.

That being said, are there any particular cannabis based products that are worth mentioning more than others because they fall into unique categories such as how they’re used and why?

We think there are.

Before we give you our list, it’s important to state that individuals all have preferences, likes and dislikes of any particular product so this list is far from universal. What this list is intended for is to help you see what might be on the market that you might not have heard of before. Or, if you have, to know if you should give it a try having learned a little more about it.

So with that in mind, let’s get started!

Here are 3 cannabis products on the market today that we think everyone should know about.

1 – Terp Sauce (Separated full spectrum terpenes divorced from THC Diamonds)

Terp Sauce is fairly new to the extracts marketplace. It’s made by extracting trichomes from freeze dried cannabis plants with a butane solvent process, then left in a sealed jar for several weeks in a warm dark room or storage area. Over time, cannabinoids form crystals in the bottom of the sauce and slowly separate from the terpenes. The crystals at the bottom are highly concentrated cannabinoids, with the primary one being THC-A, the pre-courser acidic form of THC.

As you may have guessed Terp Sauce is primarily composed of terpenes, of which the ratios will depend entirely on the flower from the strain the sauce was extracted from. Different strains will produce different sauces that each have different medicinal properties depending on the dominant terpenes of the flower.

For example, an extract made from pink kush would leave you with a terp sauce high in myrcene, which would be sedative in nature. A sauce made from pineapple express would produce a terp sauce high in caryophyllene, which would be better for inflammation control and pain relief.

In terms of how to consume terp sauce, you can either dab it, or vape it. Vaping would be the most effective means to consume terp sauce since you could control the activation of which terpenes you want based on adjusting the temperature of the vaporizer.

2 – CBD Powdered Isolate

This extract is pretty straightforward in that the name really says it all. CBD isolate is a 99% isolated CBD compound in powdered crystal form. Unlike braude spectrum and full spectrum products, CBD isolate does not contain any THC or other cannabinoids or flavonoids. It’s as pure as pure gets.

The process to extract CBD crystals is nearly identical to isolating THC or any other compound so for that reason we won’t go into detail on how it is extracted, but what we will talk about is the difference between isolated CBD and broad, and full spectrum CBD.

CBD binds to the CB2 receptor in the body’s endocannabinoid system which is the system responsible for inflammatory and immune signaling responses. Because it binds so well, it can help modulate immune responses and suppress excess inflammation.

One drawback of isolates in general – not just CBD isolates – however is that they do not contain any other of the beneficial terpenes, flavonoids or cannabinoids. As mentioned in the introduction, this is neither a good nor a bad thing. If a high CBD concentration product is best for you for factors such as not wanting to get high or maybe a terpene sensitivity, then powdered isolate may be the way to go for you. The best ways to take isolates such as powders is either diluted in a beverage, or combined with an oil and used topically.

3 – CBD Vape Pens

CBD vape pens are not much different to standard vape pens. The difference is what they’re designed to burn. Like THC pens, CBD pen cartridges don’t actually contain any oils. They’re made from extracted “juices” that are primarily extracted with solvents such as butane, then combined with some food based ingredients that are known to be safe to inhale, producing most commonly either a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum vape “juice”. Oils themselves like MCT for example, are NOT safe for burning and inhalation. The reason is the residue can bind to your alveoli in your lungs and cause significantly increased risk for lipid based lung infections and lipid based pneumonia, which is why the term “vape oil cartridge” or similar ones are generally misleading.

Why use a CBD vape versus an oral oil? Well, the evidence is not exactly clear, but the general accepted theory so far is that CBD vape pens tend to have a much faster uptake into the bloodstream, allowing them to begin to work much more quickly than an oral drop.

But like inhalation vs ingestion of THC, the effects may be stronger initially, but may not last as long. More research into this is needed, but for the moment CBD vaping seems a legitimate means of getting the effects of CBD directly into the bloodstream as fast as possible, which could have a wide range of medical applications that would require rapid administration.

We hope you enjoyed this informative look into less common but well worth checking out cannabis products that are available on the market! Don’t forget to check out our shop and browse our selection!


Concentrates. What’s The Difference? Erik Khan, 2020 –

Reviewed by Lesley Nickus on 3/15/21 – What are cannabis concentrates and how do you consume them?

CBD Isolate: Uses, Effects and Benefits, Medical News Today – CBD isolate: Uses, effects, and benefits

Healthline, Medical Review, 2018 – Lung Anatomy, Function, and Diagrams

Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2018; 3(1): 152–161.

Published online 2018 Jul 1. doi: 10.1089/can.2018.0006, Jamie Corroon, and Joy A. Phillips –

A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users

Vaping 360, Things You Need to Know Before Vaping CBD Oil by Dave Kriegel

The post 3 Uncommon But Interesting New Cannabis Products appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Tue, 18 Aug 2020 17:47:00 +0000 Blog Medical Cannabis

Cannabis Kings Canadian Online Cannabis Dispensary is proud to announce the addition of a new line of products, zoomers, zooms, shrooms, medical mushrooms, psilocybin, microdose mushrooms, whatever you want to

The post Mushroom Dispensary Announcement appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

Cannabis Kings Canadian Online Cannabis Dispensary is proud to announce the addition of a new line of products, zoomers, zooms, shrooms, medical mushrooms, psilocybin , microdose mushrooms, whatever you want to call them, we are now offering Canadians the access to magic mushrooms via our Mushroom Dispensary .

Magic mushroom use the active ingredient psilocybin to give users a visual, uplifting, happy experience. Shrooms offer a heavy psychedelic experience packed with visuals and are not for the faint of heart.

Similar to cannabis, mushrooms come in many shapes and sizes, here we call them different strains, and we’ve brought in three different kinds for you to try, Golden Teacher, Penis Envy and Malabar Coast mushrooms.

The post Mushroom Dispensary Announcement appeared first on Cannabis Kings . 0 cannabiskingscanada Sat, 04 Apr 2020 20:56:00 +0000 Blog Ontario Buy Cannabis in Ontario Cannabis dispensary in Toronto Ontario cannabis dispensary Ontario Dispensary

Where to buy cannabis in Ontario? Where to buy cannabis in Ontario is the question that everyone is asking after the province of Ontario has shut down cannabis dispensaries suggesting

The post Buy Cannabis in Ontario – Find an Open Cannabis Dispensary in Ontario Canada appeared first on Cannabis Kings .

Where to buy cannabis in Ontario?

Where to buy cannabis in Ontario is the question that everyone is asking after the province of Ontario has shut down cannabis dispensaries suggesting they are not essential services.

That means cannabis dispensaries in Toronto, cannabis dispensaries in Hamilton, cannabis dispensaries that were open last week in Ontario will no longer be open this week.

Buy Cannabis in Ontario

Open Cannabis Dispensary

While cannabis dispensaries in Ontario close, mail order cannabis websites remain open 24 hours day, 7 days a week, so you can get recreational and medical cannabis delivery to your front door all week long, cheap and quick.  Buy cannabis in Ontario at anytime with Cannabis Kings online mail order cannabis delivery. We are here for medical and recreational users with quick delivery, free shipping and high quality products.

With the virus scare across Canada, we want to make sure everyone can get their medical and recreational cannabis products, and that means you in Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, PEI, Newfoundland, Quebec and all the big cities in between.

Ontario Dispensary

Ontario has suggested that Ontario cannabis dispensary services are no longer essential.  Cannabis dispensary services across Ontario will shut down this week, but Cannabis Kings Online Dispensary will continue to deliver cannabis in Ontario to all cities and areas. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we are an open cannabis dispensary in Ontario.

We have the best ounce specials in Canada, and Ontario. Make sure you check out our ounce specials section for daily deals and sales on ounces of cannabis.

Cannabis dispensary in Toronto

We are a mail order cannabis dispensary servicing Toronto, Ontario and all surrounding areas during these hard times.  Ontario cannabis dispensaries are shut down across the province, but we will remain open. Order your medical and recreational cannabis products from us today.  We have extended free delivery to all orders over $100.

Buy cannabis , shatter, THC edibles, tinctures, topicals and vape pen products.

Ontario cannabis dispensary

Buy cannabis in Ontario (Toronto, London, Hamilton included) today. Open dispensaries are closing, but we are open 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Order cannabis online from our online cannabis dispensary and we will make sure it gets to you within 4 business days.  We have the best quality cannabis online in Canada, at the best prices, guaranteed.  Sign up today and receive 20% off your first order with the code NEW20

Delivery Cannabis in Canada

Cannabis Kings is Canada’s largest and best quality mail order cannabis website in 2020. The dispensary reviews are in, and our customers love our quick shipping, best quality cannabis, exotic cannabis strains, quality concentrates, strong edibles and more. Order cannabis online and have it arrive at your door in hours in discreet packaging.

Cannabis Dispensary Sales in Ontario

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